My name is Monica Craft and I am a grateful believer saved by the grace of Jesus Christ! My life growing up as a child was very unstable and chaotic, and this helped me to become a very fearful and anxious individual. By the age of 16 I was dealing with suicidal tendencies and experimenting with drugs and alcohol, it was not long before I was using daily just to function. One abusive relationship led to another and one bad choice led to another, before I knew it my life was spiraling out of control.
I was homeless and alone when God lead me to an amazing church that prayed with me, and helped me to find Hannah’s House. Hannah’s House is a one year faith based drug and alcohol rehabilitation program for women. I moved to Ohio to be a part of this program in order to get sober, but I gained so much more than just my sobriety there!

In the program I developed an intimate relationship with Christ, healed from past hurts that I had been ignoring for years, learned healthy coping skills for life, and finally began to understand what it means to be loved unconditionally. Since coming to Hannah’s God has restored my relationship with my family back home and given me a loving family in Christ, right here in Warren. God used the Warren Family Mission not only to save my life, but give me a life better than I ever could have imagined, for this I am forever grateful!